Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Crazy dayz

Well, this past weekend was the Blue and Gold ceremony for the Cub Scouts. So, Tanis is finally a BOY Scout! The day was great. A bit exhausting, but totally worth it. He's already had his first Boy Scout meeting and is very encouraged. I am really hoping that this will encourge change in his attitude... both toward life and school. I want him to see the great things in this world. I believe that scouts will help him.

Now, why do my dreams get so goofy? Who knows! Ok, so we had 3 cats in the house and 2 dogs. The dogs were smaller than the ones we have. One cat was blonde like Simba, the other two were black with white markings. Why is this so prevalent? I don't know. So the pee smell in the house was driving me nuts. Come to find that both the black cats had kittens and there were a few puppies around here too! Go figure. One cat was really funny looking. Blonde, went to bite me when I picked it up. It had two rows of teeth like a shark!

Boy do my dreams get weird!

I am so grateful that God has allowed me to have this life of mine. I don't know what I would have done if I didn't have all those friends to help me get through the rough times. God placed them in my life at the time I needed them. I just wish I could let them know how truely happy I am now. I know that there is a reason for all that I struggle with and I know that God is on my side. I have my own personal cheering section! Amazing that God is!

I pray that my family can see what I see in Him. How wonderful He truely is. How no matter what I do, He's still there for me. Loving me and forgiving me. I try not to screw up and sin, but I know there are times when I do. Those are the times that I need to repent and not repeat.

His greatest gift to us is Jesus!

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